Brothers Receive Increased Jail Time for “Brutal” Street Attack

Carlisle, UK – Two brothers, Kenneth Brown, 27, and Shaun Brown, 25, have been sentenced to three and a half years in prison for a “brutal” attack on a stranger in Carlisle city center. The initial sentence, which had spared the brothers from jail, was increased following a review that deemed the punishment too lenient. The attack left the victim with a broken hand, fractured nose, and black eyes.

The assault took place on Lowther Street in the early hours of October 30, 2022. The Brown brothers, accompanied by their father, had traveled to Carlisle to attend a reunion for Kings Own Royal Border Regiment veterans. The victim, a stranger they encountered on the street, was targeted after mentioning his allegiance to Manchester United in response to the brothers chanting support for Liverpool Football Club.

The victim was subjected to a prolonged attack involving punches, kicks, and stamps, resulting in serious injuries that required hospital treatment. In an impact statement, the victim expressed concerns over his future career as a plasterer, fearing it may be compromised due to the injuries sustained during the assault.

During the sentencing hearing, the judge acknowledged the severity of the attack, describing it as “cowardly, brutal, sustained” and targeting a defenseless individual. The brothers, with no prior criminal record, were initially spared jail due to their display of “genuine remorse” and court capacity issues.

The case was escalated to the Unduly Lenient Sentences scheme, which allows for the review of sentences if deemed inadequate. The revised sentence of three and a half years in prison for both brothers was issued as a result of the scheme. The Ministry of Justice cited the impact of the pandemic on court operations as a factor contributing to the growing prison population, necessitating short-term solutions to increase capacity.

Detective Constable Nick Mandale expressed satisfaction with the revised sentences, noting the seriousness of the assault and the potential for fatal consequences. The brothers will now serve time reflecting on their actions and the consequences of their violent behavior.

The new sentence serves as a reminder of the legal repercussions for violent acts and the importance of accountability in preventing harm to innocent individuals. The case highlights the significance of the justice system in addressing and deterring criminal behavior to maintain public safety.