Brutal Attack Orchestrator Sentenced to Three Consecutive Life Sentences

Montgomery, Alabama – A final defendant involved in a heinous attack in 2017 has received her sentencing. Alexandria Hancock, aged 33, has been handed three consecutive life sentences by Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey. Her conviction in May for first-degree kidnapping, first-degree rape, and first-degree robbery led to this enhanced sentence by Circuit Judge Jimmy Pool, who noted the use of a firearm during the crime.

Bailey revealed that Hancock orchestrated a sexual assault on a woman in Montgomery with whom she had a previous altercation. Alongside three male co-defendants, Hancock tricked the victim into a car under false pretenses, proceeding to rape and sodomize her at gunpoint while driving away from her residence. The victim testified that the men took turns assaulting her while Hancock watched from the front passenger seat before they left her bound, beaten, shot at, and abandoned in a remote area.

Hancock attempted to paint herself as an innocent bystander, claiming to be as scared as the victim. However, Bailey condemned her actions as “purely evil,” emphasizing the lasting impact of the trauma inflicted upon the victim. Following the sentencing, Bailey reiterated his commitment to prosecuting all violent crimes, underscoring the severe consequences perpetrators will face in Montgomery County.

Before Hancock’s trial, two of her co-defendants pled guilty and received 20-year prison terms, while the third co-defendant was separately found guilty and is currently serving three consecutive 99-year life sentences. The case serves as a stark reminder that violent crimes will not go unpunished, sending a strong message against such atrocities in the community.