Bullying Epidemic at Mangakōtukutuku College Leads to Violent Student Attacks

Hamilton, New Zealand – A disturbing video uploaded to Instagram depicts two senior students violently stomping on a junior high school student’s head as she attempts to flee and protect herself. This incident is just the latest in a series of attacks at Mangakōtukutuku College, which has been plagued by violence since its opening in February.

In the same month of the school’s opening, a 13-year-old boy was knocked unconscious by a senior student during a brawl that led to a lockdown of the school. Following this, in April, a Limited Statutory Manager (LSM) was appointed, and the school’s principal, Dr. Thilo Govender, no longer seems to be present at the institution.

The disturbing attacks seem to be fueled by an Instagram page linked to the school, where posts instigate fights among students and encourage violence. Parents have expressed their concerns to RNZ, describing how bullies are picking fights during lunchtime, filming these altercations, and sharing them on social media.

One parent revealed their plans to potentially withdraw their 14-year-old child from the school for homeschooling due to safety concerns. The lack of alternative options has left families feeling trapped, with limited choices in terms of transferring schools or affording private education. Other parents have also kept their children out of school out of fear for their safety, criticizing the school’s lack of communication and security measures.

The situation at Mangakōtukutuku College has escalated to the point where students are not only at risk of physical harm but also facing emotional trauma and ongoing harassment. Despite past attempts at resolution, concerns persist around the safety and well-being of students at the school.

In response to recent incidents, the school is reportedly working with the police to investigate the attacks and address the underlying issues contributing to the violence among students. Efforts are being made to ensure a focus on learning and create a safe environment for all students, but questions remain about the effectiveness of these measures and the accountability of the school administration.

As the community grapples with the ongoing challenges at Mangakōtukutuku College, parents, students, and officials are calling for decisive action to address the root causes of the violence and prioritize the well-being of everyone involved. The future of the school remains uncertain as authorities work to restore peace and safety within the educational institution.