Evacuation Efforts Intensify as Pakistani Students Attacked in Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan – In response to a violent attack on foreign students in Kyrgyzstan, the Pakistani government has taken swift action to ensure the safety and security of its citizens studying in the country. The incident, which endangered many students, led to the immediate organization of multiple special flights to evacuate those affected and bring them back home.

The government’s rapid response included the arrangement of four daily flights to facilitate the safe return of students. Information Minister Attaullah Tarar expressed the government’s commitment to the welfare of the students, welcoming them at Lahore airport upon their arrival. The evacuation efforts saw the safe return of 540 students, with plans in place to ensure their educational continuity and degree completion.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar intensified evacuation efforts by arranging three commercial flights to repatriate the remaining students. The Pakistan Air Force also mobilized a special flight to bring back approximately 130 students. Continuous communication between the government and the students ensured that they were well-informed about the available flights for their return.

The violent clash that occurred in Bishkek stemmed from a brawl between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students, sparking mob attacks on hostels and private lodgings of international students. Heightened security measures and increased police presence were implemented to protect the students, with the Kyrgyz police reaching an agreement with the rioters to quell the violence and disperse the mobs.

Amid the diplomatic efforts aimed at ensuring the safe return of injured students and their families, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif closely monitored the situation. The cancellation of Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar’s planned visit to Kyrgyzstan came at the request of the local government to prevent politicizing the issue. Diplomatic assurances were exchanged between Pakistani and Kyrgyz officials, with efforts to hold perpetrators accountable for the violence.

Authorities in Kyrgyzstan have taken steps to address the situation, arresting several individuals involved in the attacks and enhancing security at student hostels. The Pakistani government’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its nationals abroad remains steadfast, with measures in place to prevent any harm to Pakistani students. Information Minister Attaullah Tarar emphasized the government’s prompt response to the incident and reassured families of the ongoing efforts to protect their children studying in Kyrgyzstan.

The ongoing liaison between the Pakistani government and Kyrgyz authorities, alongside the embassy’s close contact with the students, reflects a dedication to the safety and security of Pakistani nationals in the country. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s vigilance in monitoring the situation underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding its citizens abroad and preventing any further incidents from occurring.