Dindori, Madhya Pradesh – A tragic incident has occurred in the Dindori district of Madhya Pradesh, where a sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) named Nisha Napit was allegedly murdered by her husband, Manish Sharma. The accused, Sharma, reportedly took his wife’s life due to her failure to designate him as the nominee in various financial records. The police are currently awaiting the post-mortem report in order to further investigate the bureaucrat’s untimely death.
According to reports, Sharma allegedly used a pillow to smother Napit, and then attempted to destroy the evidence by washing her blood-stained clothes. After committing the heinous act, he sat near the corpse for six hours before taking it to a nearby community health center. However, doctors at the facility alerted the police, leading to Sharma’s arrest.
The accused has been charged with several offenses, including murder, dowry-related death, and destroying evidence. Additionally, Nisha’s elder sister, Nilima Napit, has come forward, alleging that Sharma began demanding money from Nisha shortly after their marriage. She has accused Sharma of mental and physical torture towards Nisha, further adding suspicion to his involvement in her sister’s demise.
Napit’s sister revealed that Nisha had confided in her about the torment she experienced at the hands of Sharma. She disclosed that Nisha had given Sharma a significant amount of money, and she strongly suspects foul play in her sister’s death, calling for a thorough investigation and justice for the perpetrator.
This tragic incident has shaken the local community and raised important questions about the prevalence of domestic violence and the need for greater awareness and support for victims. The authorities are committed to conducting a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served for Nisha Napit and to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring in the future.