Mount Greenwood Restaurant Attack: Four Men in Custody Face Judge in Aggravated Battery Case

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – Four individuals were brought before a judge on Tuesday in connection with an alleged assault and brawl at a Mount Greenwood restaurant. The incident occurred around 2 a.m. on Sunday at Barraco’s Ristorante in the Mount Greenwood neighborhood. The suspects, identified as Andrew Fedyk, Harry Kenny, Frank Paris, and John Powers IV, all 20 years old, faced charges of aggravated battery in a public place, aggravated battery causing great bodily harm, and aggravated battery against a victim aged 60 or older.

According to prosecutors, the altercation ensued after the suspects were asked to leave the bar for allegedly behaving drunk and urinating on the bathroom floor. The situation escalated outside the restaurant, where the suspects engaged in a physical confrontation with several victims. Paris, specifically, was accused of striking Barraco, the restaurant owner, causing him to sustain serious head injuries.

Despite the prosecution’s depiction of the incident as a violent attack, defense attorneys argued a different narrative. Video evidence presented during the court proceedings purportedly showed the bouncers as the aggressors, potentially conflicting with witness statements. The judge granted pretrial release for all four suspects, noting that while Paris was implicated as the alleged assailant, she did not perceive them as a threat to public safety. The judge emphasized the seriousness of the event, branding it as an alcohol-fueled occurrence that could have been avoided.

Alderman Matt O’Shea, a friend of Barraco, lamented the focus on the perpetrators rather than the victims, highlighting the community contributions of Barraco and his family over four decades. O’Shea expressed hope for Barraco’s recovery and urged continued medical care. All four individuals are scheduled to appear in court again on July 1.