Roberto Baggio Hospitalised After Brutal Attack and Robbery at Home in Italy

Rome, Italy – Italian football icon Roberto Baggio found himself in a harrowing situation after being attacked and robbed by armed assailants while watching Italy’s match against Spain at Euro 2024. Reports suggest that the former forward, aged 57, faced a frightening ordeal lasting around forty minutes, trying to fend off five armed intruders who forcibly entered his residence.

Despite his efforts to resist, Baggio and his family were eventually confined to a closet as the robbers made off with valuables such as watches and jewelry from his home. Following the traumatic incident, he required medical attention at a local hospital and received stitches for his injuries. The authorities have since launched an investigation into the attack, aiming to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Throughout his illustrious football career, Baggio achieved major success with Italy’s premier clubs – Juventus, AC Milan, and Inter Milan – securing two Serie A titles. Notably, he played a key role in Juventus’ triumph in the UEFA Cup in 1993, scoring crucial goals in the final against Borussia Dortmund. His exceptional performance earned him prestigious accolades, including the FIFA World Player of the Year title and the Ballon d’Or award.

Baggio’s resilience and stature as a football legend have garnered widespread admiration from fans and peers alike, with many expressing shock and concern over the recent attack. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability public figures can face, even in the confines of their own homes. As the investigation unfolds, support and solidarity pour in for Baggio, emphasizing the importance of security and safety for all individuals, regardless of their status or renown in society.