Uvalde School Chief Indicted for Delaying Response in Deadly Shooting

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Two Uvalde school officers are facing criminal charges related to their handling of a tragic school shooting that left 21 people dead, including 19 children and two teachers. Police chief Pete Arredondo and former school officer Adrian Gonzales were indicted for failing to properly respond to the active shooting at Robb Elementary on May 24, 2022. The indictment accuses Arredondo of delaying the police response, leading to a prolonged period where the shooter continued to target victims.

Arredondo, who served as the on-site commander during the shooting, allegedly failed to identify the incident as an active shooter situation and did not follow the appropriate protocols. The indictment states that instead of immediately confronting the shooter, Arredondo ordered initial responding officers to evacuate the area and attempted to negotiate with the gunman. This delay in response allowed the shooter to continue his attack on innocent children and teachers.

Despite over 370 law enforcement officers converging on the scene, it took more than 70 minutes before they entered the classroom to confront the shooter. Terrified students inside the school called 911 for help, while parents pleaded with officers to intervene as shots could be heard in the background. Eventually, a tactical team was able to enter the classroom and neutralize the gunman.

Arredondo is also charged with failing to protect survivors of the attack, including a student named Khloie Torres who desperately called for help during the ordeal. The charges against both Arredondo and Gonzales carry a potential sentence of up to two years in jail if convicted. Despite the serious allegations, Arredondo maintained in an interview after the shooting that he was acting in the best interests of the students and staff.

The incident at Robb Elementary revealed significant failures in training, communication, leadership, and technology within the law enforcement response. Following the shooting, Arredondo lost his job, and several other officers involved were fired. State and federal investigations criticized the handling of the massacre, prompting calls for more accountability within the police department.

State Senator Roland Gutierrez, representing Uvalde, emphasized the need for thorough investigations and accountability beyond just the two indicted officers. He criticized the Texas Department of Public Safety and urged for justice for all officers who failed to act during the tragic event. As the investigation continues, the community demands answers and assurances that such a tragedy will never happen again.