Bengaluru: The 4-year-old boy allegedly killed by his mother, the CEO of a city-based AI company, was laid to rest on Wednesday. The child’s father, Venkat Raman, performed the last rites after bringing his son’s body from Chitradurga to an apartment in Bengaluru. The postmortem on the victim was conducted at Chitradurga, where it was revealed that the cause of death was strangulation using a cloth or a pillow.
Suchana Seth, the CEO of an artificial intelligence start-up, was apprehended on Monday night while on her way from Goa to Bengaluru, and the boy’s body was found in a suitcase. She was arrested on the directions of the Goa Police. Raman, who hails from Kerala and settled in Indonesia, reached Hiriyur on Tuesday night to take possession of the body of his son.
“He (the child) was strangled to death or what we call smothering. Either a cloth or a pillow was used. The child died due to strangulation. It doesn’t look like the child was strangled using hands. It looks like a pillow or some other material was used,” said Dr. Kumar Naik, the administrative officer at Hiriyur Taluk Hospital.
The tragic incident has shocked the community and raised concerns about the well-being of children in the care of their parents. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working to understand the circumstances that led to this heartbreaking event. The family is now mourning the loss of their young child and seeking justice for the devastating crime.
In conclusion, the 4-year-old boy allegedly murdered by his mother, the CEO of an AI company, was laid to rest in Bengaluru after the shocking discovery of his body in a suitcase. The investigation into the tragic incident is still ongoing, and the family is left grieving the loss of their beloved child.