Protest Over Campus Violence Ends as University Administration Promises Investigation

HYDERABAD, India – The Students’ Union of University of Hyderabad concluded their eight-day protest on Saturday, April 28, following assurances from the university administration to investigate the violent attack that took place on campus on April 17 during Rama Navami. The decision to end the protest came after the administration committed to presenting its report on the incident by Tuesday, April 30.

During the protest, students were demanding a thorough investigation into the alleged “planned” attack carried out by ABVP members against students linked to the left-wing Student Federation of India (SFI) and the Students’ Union president Ateeq Ahmed. To show their discontent, members of the Student’s Union had been conducting a relay hunger strike for five consecutive days, pushing for action to be taken against the assailants.

According to the victims, a student affiliated with ABVP assaulted a Muslim student associated with SFI in front of his J-hostel room on the night of April 17. Subsequently, other ABVP members reportedly joined in the attack, targeting not only the student but also those who attempted to intervene and help him.

An SFI student leader, who chose to remain anonymous, revealed that the violent incident stemmed from a dispute at the Economics department’s farewell party on April 13, where a Hindutva pop song endorsing communal hatred was played. The Muslim student raised objections, which then resulted in the targeted attack on April 17. The ABVP members allegedly threatened the victim, comparing his potential disappearance to the case of Najeeb Ahmed, who went missing from Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2016 following an altercation with ABVP members.

The SFI members allege that the individuals involved in the attack hold prominent positions within ABVP, despite their absence from classes for multiple semesters. These students have a history of involvement in violent incidents, as per the claims made by SFI.

In response to the attack, the students staged a sit-in protest and demanded a swift investigation to hold the perpetrators accountable. Despite the formation of a committee by the university comprised of four professors to investigate the violence, the protest continued as the students insisted on a prompt inquiry into the matter.

Meanwhile, the All India Feminist Alliance (ALIFA) issued a statement denouncing the police and university administration for downplaying the violent attack as a mere clash between two groups. ALIFA called for urgent action from the University authorities to address pending cases involving current students or individuals overstaying their welcome on campus.