Security Negligence Leads to Nurse Lawsuit Against Rhode Island Hospital in Patient Attack Case

Providence, Rhode Island – A nurse at Rhode Island Hospital has filed a lawsuit against the hospital’s security team after a violent attack by a patient left him with serious injuries. The incident occurred when the nurse, Scott Amaral, entered the room of 37-year-old George Bower to check on him, following an altercation over phone privileges.

Amaral alleges that the two Allied Universal Security Services officers on duty failed to prevent the attack and did not intervene promptly when the situation escalated. He claims that one of the officers was preoccupied on her cell phone while the other only acted after a hospital worker intervened. As a result of the attack, Amaral went into cardiac arrest and sustained permanent brain injuries.

Despite reaching out for a response, NBC 10 did not receive any comments from Allied Universal regarding the incident. The lawsuit highlights the importance of adequate security protocols in healthcare settings to ensure the safety of both medical staff and patients.

This case sheds light on the risks that healthcare workers face in their line of duty, emphasizing the need for proper security measures and training to handle violent situations effectively. The lawsuit serves as a reminder of the physical and emotional toll that such incidents can have on individuals working in high-stress environments like hospitals.

In response to the lawsuit, Rhode Island Hospital may need to reassess its security protocols and provide additional support to staff members who may be at risk of similar incidents in the future. Enhancing security measures and ensuring a safe work environment for healthcare professionals is crucial in maintaining the well-being of both employees and patients.

Incidents like these underscore the importance of addressing workplace safety concerns and implementing comprehensive training programs to equip staff with the necessary skills to handle challenging situations. By taking proactive steps to enhance security and support healthcare workers, hospitals can create a safer environment for all individuals involved in the healthcare system.