Surveillance network expansion sparks privacy concerns in major cities like Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.

Los Angeles, California, and Washington, D.C., are at the forefront of launching Real-Time Crime Centers, aiming to serve as centralized hubs for police technology and data integration. The move towards these centers signifies a growing trend in major cities, as highlighted by The Marshall Project, where the convergence of public and private surveillance is becoming … Read more

Revolutionary Movement Seeks Major Financial Support to Fight Capitalism-Imperialism and Create a Better Future for Humanity

Los Angeles, California – The world is facing serious threats and challenges, from nuclear Armageddon to systemic racism and LGBTQ terror. In the face of these issues, there is a call to make a revolution to overthrow the system of capitalism-imperialism that perpetuates this nightmare. Building and making this revolution known requires financial support. At … Read more