Violent Attack Caught on Video at Mangakōtukutuku College: Student Safety Concerns Rise

Christchurch, New Zealand – A troubling video has emerged showing yet another violent attack on a student at Mangakōtukutuku College. The footage, captured by a bystander, displays disturbing scenes of an altercation between two students in the schoolyard. This incident comes amidst growing concerns about the safety and well-being of students at the college. Local … Read more

Bullying Crisis Erupts at Mangakōtukutuku College: Students Incited to Violence on School Grounds

Hamilton, New Zealand – A disturbing video surfaced on Instagram showing two senior students stomping on the head of a junior high school student as she attempted to flee from her attackers. This violent incident is the latest in a series of assaults among students at Mangakōtukutuku College in Hamilton, which has been plagued by … Read more

Bullying Epidemic at Mangakōtukutuku College Leads to Violent Student Attacks

Hamilton, New Zealand – A disturbing video uploaded to Instagram depicts two senior students violently stomping on a junior high school student’s head as she attempts to flee and protect herself. This incident is just the latest in a series of attacks at Mangakōtukutuku College, which has been plagued by violence since its opening in … Read more