Watch out: These factors can affect your spouse’s Social Security benefits

Social Security benefits are crucial in providing financial security for American retirees. For married couples, the program offers the possibility of receiving dual benefits, either because both spouses have worked or through spousal and survivor benefits. However, there are several factors that can unintentionally reduce the amount your spouse receives. Here are three important considerations … Read more

The Best Reasons to Start Claiming Social Security Before You Turn 70

As you approach retirement, a pivotal decision awaits: when is the best time to begin claiming your Social Security benefits? This choice, akin to the age-old wisdom of “The early bird catches the worm,” holds significant financial implications. While some claim benefits as early as 62, others delay until 67 or later. Each path has … Read more

GOP Presidential Candidate’s Plans For Social Security Revealed

As retirees or those nearing retirement, it’s crucial to stay informed about the future of Social Security, a cornerstone of post-retirement financial stability for millions. Recent discussions among Republican presidential candidates have brought to light various proposals addressing the sustainability of Social Security funds, a topic of significant interest for retirees. The Debate on Raising … Read more

Ready for retirement? Find out how much money you really need

As retirement approaches, many individuals are eager to enjoy their golden years on their terms. However, to ensure a comfortable retirement, careful financial planning is essential. One crucial step in the process is determining the exact amount of money needed for retirement. To begin, experts suggest starting with current living expenses. Consider that most of … Read more

Retiring on Social Security alone: Here’s what you need to know

Retiring solely on Social Security benefits can present significant financial challenges for seniors. Without any additional savings, it is likely that individuals in this predicament may struggle financially to some degree. On average, Social Security is expected to replace about 40% of one’s pre-retirement salary. However, this estimate assumes that benefits will not be cut … Read more

How Working Fewer Hours Can Increase Your Social Security Payout

Many individuals have a specific retirement age in mind, but delaying retirement by just a few years can significantly impact Social Security income. Here’s why it matters. 35 Years of Work History When calculating the monthly Social Security benefit for retirement, eligibility is based on the 35 highest-earning years in the workforce. However, extended breaks … Read more

Maximize Your Retirement Income with the Right Social Security Strategy

Retirement comes with many decisions, but one stands out as particularly critical: when should you start taking Social Security benefits? When you file for benefits, the age at which you do so can have a significant impact on your monthly payments and financial well-being in retirement. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, recent research sheds … Read more

How Switching Benefits Can Boost Your Social Security Income!

As retirees, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of Social Security benefits significantly when maximizing your retirement income. A common query among married retirees is whether switching from individual Social Security benefits to spousal benefits is possible. The answer could be more straightforward and depends on several factors, including your spouse’s benefit status. How Do … Read more