Gun used in deadly standoff in Burnsville traced back to straw purchase at local firearms shop

Minneapolis, Minnesota – The recent deadly Burnsville standoff involving Shannon Gooden revealed that one of the guns used was acquired through a straw purchase at a local firearms shop and range in January, according to investigative reports. A straw purchase involves someone legally buying a gun for another individual who is restricted from owning firearms, such as a convicted felon of a violent crime. In Minnesota, committing a straw purchase is considered a gross misdemeanor.

Gooden, the individual involved in the standoff, tragically shot and killed police officers Matthew Ruge and Paul Elmstrand, as well as firefighter and paramedic Adam Finseth during the incident. The firearm in question, an AR-15 lower receiver, was initially obtained through an online order from out of state and transferred through The Modern Sportsman in Burnsville in early January 2024.

Despite being prohibited from owning firearms or ammunition, Gooden had previously petitioned the court to restore his gun rights in 2020, which was denied in October of the same year. The county attorney opposed the petition highlighting concerns about Gooden’s history of law violation and threat to public safety. Gooden’s tragic stand-off resulted in the deaths of the three first responders, who will be honored with a public funeral at Grace Church in Eden Prairie.

The tragic incident has reignited discussions about gun control measures in the state Capitol, with some lawmakers considering revisiting legislation from the last session. Previously proposed laws like the red flag law and additional background checks faced opposition from gun rights advocates. However, there are pending measures from the previous year focused on stricter gun storage laws and immediate reporting of lost or stolen guns that have yet to be voted on.

Following the incident, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is conducting an investigation into the confrontation to gather more details. The devastating loss of the first responders and the subsequent impact on the community has led to deeper conversations surrounding gun control and public safety in the state.