Asylum-seeking Gay Ghanaian Survives Brutal Journey to US, Granted Asylum After Years of Struggle

Accra, Ghana – Mr. B’s journey to seek asylum in the United States began in 2019, a year marked by a brutal assault that prompted him to flee his home country where homosexuality is criminalized. As a gay man living in Ghana, he faced discrimination and violence, compelling him to keep his sexuality a secret from family and friends. After the harrowing attack, Mr. B made the decision to embark on a perilous journey to the U.S., encountering numerous dangers along the way.

Traveling through over ten countries, Mr. B faced threats at every turn. From crossing the treacherous DariƩn Gap, known as the most dangerous land route for migrants, to being robbed and extorted by authorities in various nations, his path was fraught with peril. Despite the challenges, he persevered, determined to reach safety.

Upon reaching North America, Mr. B’s ordeal was far from over. He spent a month in detention in Mexico, followed by an additional five months in the country without adequate language interpretation. As a gay black Muslim man, he had to hide his sexuality to avoid persecution in Mexico, a country with conservative attitudes towards LGBTQ individuals.

Eventually making his way to the U.S. border in May 2020, Mr. B found himself detained for three months before being transferred to a detention facility in Georgia. There, he faced unsanitary conditions and lack of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to widespread illness among detainees.

With the help of organizations like the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights and the Envision Freedom Fund, Mr. B’s $15,000 bond was paid, allowing him to move to New York. After a lengthy legal battle, he was granted asylum earlier this year, marking a significant victory in his quest for safety and freedom.

Looking ahead, Mr. B aims to obtain his commercial driver’s license and return to work as a truck driver. His journey serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by migrants and asylum seekers, highlighting the importance of support and advocacy in ensuring their well-being and success in their new home.